Big Brother Special: The Social Network Featuring Louise Cliffe - Let's Face It
Louise Cliffe is currently in Big Brother at the moment, she hasn't done anything memorable and although I think she'll be one of these ex-housemates who stay in the limelight, I reckon people won't remember her being in the house.
The song is about social networks, which kind of goes alongside with the artist she collaborated with and the music video. She isn't the best of singers, but she certainly isn't terrible, as we all know from her rarely singing in the Big Brother House. You can tell they've edited her voice with this song. It didn't make the UK chart, but that was down to no promoting whatsoever, and I didn't see this video at all on the music channels, so maybe that was the reason it didn't go anywhere. Will she win this year's Big Brother? I doubt it, and I reckon she'll get 4th or maybe 3rd if she's lucky. This is why I decided to review this music video today.

You can sort of tell that they only filmed so much of Louise Cliffe, and that at times she was re-used again and again, this annoyed me a bit because obviously not a lot was going on so you just had to watch repeat after repeat, and I definitely won't be watching this again. She reminds me of Aylar Lie, although they are very different, I think they are similar because of their career paths.
I have to laugh when she is "playing" the guitar, if you can even call it that, she's not even strumming it, and I doubt it made much of a noise when that bit was filmed. I have to admit I liked the things that appeared behind her, like the links and the chat messages, it made it look more like a website rather than the usual. But it also annoyed me that when all 5 different characters were at the bottom of the screen, they kept bumping into one another, but instead of bumping, they went through one another, this totally brought the video down even more for me. Maybe this video isn't cream of the crop as I first thought it might have been.
Overall I totally advise Louise Cliffe to stay away from music when she comes out, because as we have witnessed before ex-housemates who embark on a singing career always fail. I do see her being in our faces for quite a while though, so it'll be interesting to see what happens to these finalists in the future.